Light Sensing Robot and RFID Tagger
Above is a simple video I posted as a part of my final submission for the project.
Throughout the course of ECEn 220, Circuits, we developed an understanding of both passive and active basic elements of circuitry, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, op-amps, and transitors. We studied how those pieces worked together to create almost all the circuitry that we see today. This lab project was an accompaniment to that class, where we build a light following robot using our knowledge of those respective elements. It was not only fun, but gave me concrete examples of how those elements worked in a real setting. The code is running on an Arduino nano in Arduino IDE’s C++.
Another simple video I made as a part of my submission.
As an additional part of the class, we were told to research a topic in engineering that interested us and create a design that relected our knowledge of the topic. Having an interest in wireless communcations and signals, I began reading about RFID and thought it would be an interesting way to showcase some of the communication protocols we had studied in class. This simple machine interfaces an SD card, a RFID reader, and a Adafruit display to create a small tag reader as you would see on the outside of a secure door or workplace. It was also programmed in C++.